

We are a group of friends that for some time have felt obliged to leave this country better than how we found it, so we decided to create this social project.


We are convinced of the importance of education and training as the main drivers of societal development and their effectiveness in producing significant changes in the economic, social and cultural reality of communities in vulnerable situations. Hence, our project is an​ experience of family education and training in which we integrate the consciousness of their own being, their family dimension and their community reach.


Our intention is to create behavioral changes in the participants, therefore, we intervene simultaneously at the level of knowledge, perceptions, social relations and behaviors, among other human spheres, with all the complexity and time that this means.


We are aware that creating change requires the cooperation of everyone -, especially those who are affected. Our programs are thus oriented towards having active participation from the beneficiaries in the tasks of growth and social integration so as to hopefully ensure a permanence of the achieved state.


This program is carried out in the rural district of  Granizal in the municipality of Bello, which is one of the largest displaced communities in the country (more than 22,000 people, of which 45% are children under the age of 6)



To generate behavioral changes in the families of communities in vulnerable situations through a family education experience in which we integrate self- awareness, reconciliation with gender, and family outreach. Additionally, to promote a sensitive, supportive and participatory social fabric in which donors, volunteers and ambassadors are fundamental tools in the construction of a new concept of citizenship.


By 2020 to be the most recognized social organization in the country due to achieving significant transformations for the family, social and cultural reality of the families from the vulnerable communities where we have worked.


See our Management Indicators for the First Three Cohorts HERE

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